3 on Thursday - Summertime Favorites!

My summertime flowers are going to have to be taken out this weekend. Halloween decorations will come out of the attic and snow boots aren't far off. We've already pulled out the heavy winter coats...all that and October isn't here yet. Which has be thinking summer, strangely enough.

We all have them. Little, pleasurable moments that make us feel guilty or really really really good! Some we do often, some are once a year things...but when I looked at my calendar yesterday and realized that September is officially only three more days long and the long, cold days of Winter are just a few weeks away...I felt the need to revisit some of my summertime favorites. Wheee!

So, without further ado, this 3 on Thursday is all about summertime pleasures - you know, reality television, lazing by the pool or on a boat, twilight walks with lightning bugs flitting around...what is it about summer that makes you want to indulge just a little bit more?

3. Reading a book a day. Some are old faves, most are new, but I read a LOT during the summer, no matter what my work load is.

2. Stopping the ice cream man when he putters down our street in his oh-so-happy musical vehicle. I always get a fudgecicle.

1. Skipping work just because...and lying on the beach/in the pool instead. I actually did indulge in this one. Prolly too many times.

So, 'fess up. What are your favorite summertime pleasures? And, did you indulge this year? Do you plan to?


  1. 1.Festivals. Every little town has one, and they're all fun.

    2.Catholic church picnics. You don't have to be a Catholic to know the food at their picnics is to die for--and to go back for seconds for

    3. Everything else.

    I love summer. Good Three today, Kristi.

  2. thanks, Liz! There are festivals here, too, an I love them!

  3. I'll play along!
    1. Having the windows open all day and night and a cool breeze flowing through the house and the sounds of nature. So relaxing.
    2. Lemonade...it always makes me think of hot summer days!
    3. Flowers and plants...I love having the yard and my front porch filled with flowers and plants and bird feeders to attract my hummingbird friends.

    I'm already missing it :(

    1. ahhh, open windows! We didn't get to do that enough this summer, Christine!

  4. I know this is going to sound weird but I love cutting grass. We have a lot so we having a riding lawn mower. I do a lot of my best plotting when I'm on my craftsman. I only had to cut grass a few times this year because it dried up and died because of the intense heat.

    1. love the smell of freshly cut grass, Jerri!

  5. Love your topic. Trying to hang on to summer despite the signs it's gone! 1 kids off school. Yes, there is more time juggling but I love a break from school drop-offs and homework supervision. 2. My summer reading list! Nothing like a list of books to tackle in lazy sunshine. 3. The slower pace we allow at our house. Bonus: watermelon my daughter eats by the bucket load :)

    1. watermelon! Yes, I'm going to miss farm-fresh watermelon, Cathy!

  6. Listening to wind blow through my 'music tree,' a tree that when wind rustles its' leaves it sounds tinkly and almost musical. Horse rides. I love riding and at the lake is a blast. I haven't got to do that for a while since my old horse has developed serious arthritis issues these days.

    Oddly, I don't read a lot for pleasure during the summer. That's my winter 'sport' of choice. :)

    1. your tree sounds amazing, Calisa! Reading is a summertime and wintertime pleasure in my house...although I do tend to read more in the winter months.

  7. I love sitting on the swing under our Autumn Ash and looking up at the leaves. I love the way the air smells after it rains. I love summer storms. I love the sunsets over the mountains. And of course, reading. :)

    1. summer sunsets - nothing better, Cher!

  8. I love sitting by the pool in the evenings with Handsome. And we did until the dratted mosquitos showed!!! Love lounging on the couch and reading, reading, reading.

    1. Oh, mosquitos - my least favorite thing about summer!

  9. Summer, when the weather isn't frying eggs on my patio, is a wonderful time of year where I live. The evening temperatures remind me why we moved to where we are. Favorite things:

    3. Water skiing at 8AM!
    2. Pouring my last blended drink at midnight and sipping it outside.
    1. No morning rush routine with the kids.

    Fun reading everyone's answers!!

  10. Pat Marinelli12:19 PM

    Jersey tomatoes
    My herb garden
    Writing at the dock

  11. Ah, summer.
    I love summer.
    Fresh tomotoes and sweet corn from the farmer's market. Yum! Sitting on the porch and watching the sun set. Sigh.
    I've said this one so many times everyone is ready to barf, but my absolute fave summer thing is to take the horses and dogs to the mesa for a picnic. I just live to do that.

  12. It's spring here in NZ and it's dull and overcast and wet!

    Summer for me, is long sunny days spent at the beach with family.
    Icecream in a cone

    1. spring - my favorite season of all! Enjoy, Rowena!

  13. Summer- #1- I'm off!
    #2- More time to hang with the kids
    #3- The sound of crickets and locust arguing in our back

  14. I love having my kids at home with me. I love no routines. I love going to the waterpark with my kids and having them tow me around in the inner tubes. I love sleeping in and grilling out and anxiously awaiting our summer vacation.

    Can you tell I love summer?

    1. No routines, yes! Although I'm loving having a routine again this fall!

  15. Visiting the gardens at the metroparks, Toledo Botanical and Schedel Gardens. I missed that this year when the temp spiked to 100 in June. :(

    1. yeah, it was really too hot here to do a lot of fun summer stuff, too, Shay!

  16. My flowers soon need put to bed for the winter too. I love to garden, but I didn't have much time to spend in the garden.

    1. me, either. Love to plant my garden each spring, though.

  17. Anonymous10:42 PM

    I've been a schoolteacher for a number of years (just retired), and my summertime favorites has always been a chance to get up late, read adult fiction, and having time to write.


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