A Call Story

So, I've been sitting on this news for a little over a week now, waiting for the official word...but I now have the official word - in the form of signed & counter-signed contracts and a art request form (for a COVER, I'm going to have a cover!!) - and so I'm officially sharing.

Floopy, that's how I felt immediately following what I'll call the ca-mail. Because I technically got an email, but this is a call story...and if you were a 'Friends' fan, you'll already be picturing Phoebe waving her arms in a circle with her head bobbing side-to-side. If you're not, well, floopy basically means...slightly freaked out, a little bit nervous and happy.

And yet throwing up wouldn't be out of the question.

So, I'm on the phone with two fab ladies from my RWA chapter, finishing up a podcast for an upcoming event - different times, but within about a 5 minute window. We finished up and my iPad bleeped at me to remind me that I had corn ready to harvest in Smurfs Village - because, yanno, Smurfs work trumps real work. I mean, they could starve if I don't feed them - and I noticed that my email icon had a little number 2 on it. So I harvested my corn and put the iPad down to go finish real world work. And then picked it up again, as I do, because I can't not read email.

And inside was a note from MY EDITOR. She loved my book, she thought it was perfect for a new line of romance from Adams Media and would like to offer me a contract. I sold my first book!

Cue hysterical crying jag and a husband who thought someone had died - after the year we've had it wouldn't have been all that surprising. And then a loud cowboy whoop - from him, I was still crying - and a giant bear hug because that's the only kind of hugging he does. And a little more crying from me. And I kept hearing Sally Field in my head saying, 'they like me, they really like me'

As soon as I accepted the offer, my editor - I can say that. I have an editor. Oh my god, I might throw up - emailed the contracts, which I signed with shaky hands and a few more tears. They were fed-exed to her the next morning  and...

I sold my first book. 

That was just over a week ago now. I'm currently waiting on copy-edits, filling out my art sheet for my cover and my first book comes out from the Crimson Romance line at Adams Media - the people who bring us the 'Everything..' series, the 'Cup of Comfort' series and others - in June. JUNE! When things move fast, they really, really move fast.


  1. So happy for you, Kristi! Congratulations!

  2. What a wonderful call story. So hard to be silent about it for a week, would you agree. Enjoy this moment and here's to a successful career. Well done, Kristi!

    1. Thanks, Donnell! Yes, it's been hard to keep quiet...I'm surprised I lasted this long!!

  3. WHOOT!!!! So, so excited for you!

  4. Whoot! Way to go, Kristi!
    So happy for you.

  5. I know how long you've wanted this, Kristi. I am thrilled for you. Now the real fun begins.

    1. thanks, Jerri! I couldn't be happier!

  6. Anonymous9:36 AM

    WOOHOOO!! SO happy for you, Kristi!!

  7. I just love your ca-email story! I can feel and hear the excitement in your blog! HUGE CONGRATS Kristi!

    June will be here all to quickly...can't wait!

  8. Big Congrats, Kristi! So very happy for you!

  9. Are you still ready to scream with excitement at the drop of a hat? Do you go back and review the "good news" email from time to time - just be refresh your excitement? Do you dream about what your cover might look like?

    Enjoy! And congratulations.

    1. Yes, yes and YES, Sheri! It's so unreal - in a very cool way!! I'm also quite exclamation point happy - which you know I get all the time. But I feel like I have a *reason* to now. :)

  10. Kristi, what a fabulous call story! Huge congratulations!!

  11. Yippee! Enjoy every minute of it!

  12. Congratulations, Kristi! So happy for you. I loved reading your call story. How about telling us something about the book? What is the premise? How long is it? For those of us who are not familiar with this company - are they inspirational? Does crimson line mean romantic suspense? Dying to read more about this wonderful book.
    Wishing all the best,

    1. Thanks, Lynne! More about the book - it's a contemporary, Texas set, marriage of convenience hook romance; 50,000 words. Two acquaintances meet up in Mexico and...well, what happened in Mexico doesn't stay in Mexico. The characters are quirky and warm (says my editor!)...it's a feel-good romance.

      Crimson is actually looking for everything from sweet to spicy, contemporary to historical, romantic suspense to paranormal and everything in between. As our editor, Jennifer Lawler says, they are looking for sophisticated stories for romance readers. The books are e-first, but there is a print option, too, so all our readers can be happy.

      And, this comment is turning in to a full-on blog post, but I couldn't be happier with my first editor, first sale. The company has been fabulous to work with so far and they're so enthusiastic about the books that it's contagious.

  13. Kristi, What a great "call" story. I can picture it in my head - the crying, hugging, whooping - everything a monumental moment should be. Congrats! You so deserve this.

  14. This is fantastic news! I'm so happy for you.

  15. Congrats! I'm so happy for you!

  16. So happy for you! Let's take a moment to snoopy dance! I'm sure you already have :)

    1. Oh, Shawn, you silly girl..I've been randomly snoopy dancing for a week. Including when we grocery shopped. People probably think I'm looney...but I do not care. ;)

  17. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Major Congratulations!
    And what a great "call story" - I felt the excitement right along with you!

  18. Exciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiting!

  19. I'm so happy for you, and I loved your post, too. Sounds just like you!

    1. aw, thanks, Liz! I couldn't write it any other way than 'me'... :)

  20. Anonymous4:21 PM

    How exciting.... I'm very happy for you and good luck going forward!

  21. Fun article! I love "the call" stories. I'm writing for Crimson Romance too--nice to meet you [electronically]. Best wishes on your release!

    1. Nice to meet you, Moriah! I love call stories, too...and I'm thrilled to finally be sharing mine!!

  22. Congrats again, Kristi.... I love this story!!!

  23. Anonymous8:40 PM

    i makes me wanna...i need to make up a new word...for you!! my sis has her own book deal!!!!!


  24. CONGRATULATIONS KRISTI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am so super stoked for you Twinkie!!! You deserve it! And that's a marvelous story! I can say that having read parts of it. :-P

    1. Aw, thanks, Calisa! I love these characters - so glad I didn't let them go!!!

  25. I tried to post on my iPhone yesterday but it wouldn't let me! This is fantastic news and I couldn't be happier for you! Now, get to work :P

    1. Oh, thanks for coming back, Marty! Sometimes my iPad does that to me, too. I'm super-excited...and gonna get Book 2 out for consideration very soon. :)

  26. OMG - you Fed Ex'd your contract? LOL I didn't even think of that. I'm so honored to be part of the Crimson Romance family with you... Looking forward to reading your book.

    (And I love saying 'my editor' too.) giggle.


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