This Is Why I Love My Job

My debut romance novel releases in a little less than three weeks and I've been talking about it. A lot. Not just online - and I swear I'm not trying to annoy you guys or just say the name of my book every 5 seconds. Its simple excitement. I'm a lot like Julia Roberts in Runaway Bride that way..sometimes I just spazz out and have to say one more thing - but to my husband and my friends and my daughter (who wants to know if my book will have pictures).

But as I was going on to my husband about the process and the fun of editing (yes, the fun. Seriously.) and his eyes started to glaze over I realized that while I love writing and books and all things geek...he doesn't. So I'm letting a little of my spazz out on the blog today so I don't kill the remaining 2 brain cells he has that are willing to listen to me. And, so I can share with y'all why I love what I do so much. And why I'm hoping you'll let me keep doing it for a long, long time.

I never know who I'm going to 'meet' in a book. Or what I'll do with 'em once we do meet!

I love watching 2 people fall in makes me fall in love with my husband all over again.

I like putting people in ordinary circumstances and then turning things upside down for them.

I totally get to stalk images of hot guys and beautiful women for the sake of creating a collage that represents the books for me. Pinterest is my friend.

Exploring character's plans, wants and needs can be very therapeutic - without the expense of a therapist!

Each ending is really just the beginning and sometimes - this is where my nuttiness comes in - I revisit them in my mind to see how things are going now.

I've met some truly amazing people, both in the Crimson Romance family and in my general wanderings around the web.

I get to spend all day with my favorite people in the world - both the real people and the imagined ones!

What about you guys? Why do you love your job - writing related or not??


  1. I think spazzing out is definitely good therapy. The release of a DEBUT novel is a big deal. Some of the things I love about writing is the same as yours. For me, writing "One Hit Wonder" (my debut also coming out in June 4th - *high five Kristi*) was an obsession. When I visualized Audrey (my MC) I knew I had to tell her story, I didn't think I was writing a book until it kind of grew into one. I think that is what I love most about writing: creating something that feels so real is like you're betraying your MCs if you don't share their stories.

    1. Thanks, Denyse! And that is exactly right - a lot of the time my characters *do* become real and I just have to share their journey. And *high five* right back atcha, girlie!

  2. Anonymous7:39 AM

    I love my writing job for all of the of the AH HA! moments that happen, either when I'm trying to work out a technical problem or just wiggling my way out of the corner I've written myself into.

    And I love my real job because it gives me lots of time to leave my head in my writing job. :D

    1. LOL on the day job, Ayda. I used to get a LOT of fiction writing/researching/note-taking done in my journalism notebooks. Because there is a LOT of downtime in that profession!

      Those ah-ha moments make it really worth it, don't they?

  3. LOL, my husband started to do the same thing when I talked about my book non-stop. Except I didn't get so much of the glazed over looked, but more of the "Uh-huh, Yea, Cool" comments. Don't get me wrong, he's supportive and loves what I do...but I did talk his ear off a bit:) Now to answer your question. I love my writing job because I get to make people fall in love for a living:) Creating a story built around a blossoming romance thrills me and makes me smie. Congrats on your debut novel!

    1. Typo, sorry. LOL. What I meant to say was "...and makes me SMILE." That's what I get for using my phone to leave comments:)

    2. It's auto-correct that gets me when I comment from my phone. Or !P*d. At least that's my excuse, Kimberly!

      There is nothing like that falling-in-love feeling, even in fiction, is there?

    3. Falling in love is the reason we're here. Everything else is just what we do in our down-time.

  4. Spazzing is absolutely allowed, Kristi! I need you to come over to my Ranch and spaz a little soon! I love my job for every reason you named and maybe a few more I haven't labeled yet. :) I am so stoked for our Twinkies! Less than two and a half years since we were packaged together-- and we're ALL published!

    1. It's awesome, isn't it? I think it's the supportive vibe we give one another - and not just we Twinks, but romance writers in general. I'd love to visit the Ranch...just lemme know when. :)

      PS: Forgot one more reason I love writing romance - I can spend hours drooling over pictures of hot men in my quest for Hero Inspiration!

  5. A fun post, Kristi, and spazzing is definitely called for. It's same old, same old with me--I'm just a sucker for Happily Ever After.

    1. Anyone who *isn't* a sucker for a HEA needs to take a pill, I think. ;)

  6. Oh, yeah, baby! So spazzed right now! This ride is fun. Luckily, Brandi isn't tired yet of hearing about it, but everyone else seems to be. There's not a lot about writing I don't like, except rejections...bleh.

    1. Yeah, those suck. The rest makes up for it, though.

  7. Anonymous12:23 PM

    You're such an inspiration, Kristi! I always enjoy your energy and upbeat attitude in your posts! Enjoy the ride because you earned it! Spaz all you want! It's your time!

    1. Aw, thanks, Jennifer! I'm enjoying every second! Can't wait till you start going nuts with me. Won't be long now!!

  8. I think we are all spazzing right along with you!
    What I like about writing is I can "what if" with my characters. All the times I've looked back at things I've said or done and thought "what if I had done this", I can do with my characters. I can give them choices and then watch the results play out. And if I don't like the results, then I give them another "what if".

  9. Hi Kristina! I can't wait to read your book. I've loved the sneak peeks. Before taking up writing, I would read a book and wish the author did this or that with the story. Now I make the story just the way I want it. Bliss!

  10. I'd have to say what I love about writing is always having someone to talk to. He's usually in my head, but he's there. LOL. And by living vicariously through Bix, I always have the right comeback at the right time. I wish I'd had his nerve and moxie when I was in high school. He says all the things that I only thought.

    And I love when someone's reading my manuscript and I see them smile or hear them laugh. That is everything to me.

  11. I live vicariously through my characters. I think that's why I chose romantic suspense. The more excitement the better.


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