3 on Thursday - Favorite Things About Winter

I've been really whiny about winter lately. And it hasn't been that terrible of a winter. I think the big deal is that a couple of weeks ago we were in the sunny Caribbean and that has made the cold of home...well, colder. And it's brought out the whine. Today, I'm a little tired of the whine so I'm trying to embrace winter.

And that brings me to this post - my three favorite things about winter.

3. The icicles. Yeah, I'm weird. But I love seeing the icicles hanging from our roof in the winter. They catch the sunlight on those really cold days and shoot patterns of light into our house. It's really beautiful and it doesn't happen all the time. When it does, though, I just stop and stare.

2. Running the fireplace. This is probably and obvious one to those of you who live up North like we do. But one of my favorite things to do in winter is light a fire, cuddle up in my coziest PJs, grab a great book and settle in for a great read. This year that's been more fun than ever because RadioMan has his own Nook and it's gotten him reading...and bebe is reading her own books. It's great family time.

1. The cold, crisp air. I know, you're going to think I'm crazy with this one. But there is a single moment - usually the morning after a big storm - when you step outside. The air is crisp and so clean you can smell the wind. It's...one of the most beautiful nature moments ever. We've had several storms this year so I've experienced this a little more often than normal, and every time it almost hurts to breathe...and yet, I can't not take a big, deep breath.

So, what about you? Embrace the cold, people! What is your favorite thing about winter?


  1. Like this, especially that last one, and winter sunshine is such a gift! (Usually a short-lived one, too!)

  2. Winter sunshine is definitely a gift, Liz...we've got it today - along with yet more big, fat flakes coming down!

  3. I'm with you on the fireplace. There's something about the crackle of wood burning, the faint smoky smell (yeah, I'm weird too), and watching the flames that is so relaxing to me. And it brings back memories of when I was a kid and we didn't have central heat.

  4. I love a snowfall at night when you can see the moon and the snowflakes are thick and heavy. Thanks for reminding us of the beauty.

    1. we've had two of those this winter, Kylie. We always open the back curtains and watch, it's lovely.

  5. The last 48 hours in Oklahoma has taken us from 60 degree temps, to sleet, snow, and now thunder and rain with temps in the low 30's. We never get bored with winter here...smile. What I like best is the beauty of the trees when they are covered with snow or ice an inch thick and then the sun comes out and makes them sparkle. Aaawwww...

    1. Snowy, icy trees - especially if I can just watch from indoors - is the best, Brenda. Stay safe - I hear the storm is supposed to be massive down that way.

  6. My parents heat their house with a wood stove, and that smell will stay with me until I die. I love it. I am sick of winter, but one of my fave things is when the feeding is done, and I turn around and see the horses contentedly eating. It warms my heart.

    1. Oh, that sounds wonderful. And if I had your outdoor-chore-list, I'd probably feel the same way!

  7. I love stepping out of our front or back door and seeing the mountains covered with champagne powder. I love the crisp cold air and seeing my breath and the sun sparkling on the snow after the storm has passed. I love watching the dogs play in the snow and that firs cup of tea on a cold morning.

    1. Oh, Cher, those are some great things about winter. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I love your top three, nice one. My favourite part of Winter is when the sun unexpectedly comes out and the world is brightened for the day, and hope springs eternal :) We don't get the severe winters here that you do, but it's always nice to say hi to Spring!

    1. Yes, it does, Cait...those sunshiney moments are good, aren't they?

  9. Roxanne11:18 AM

    #1 SNOW!!
    #2 Lots of snow!
    #3 if it's not going to snow, it shouldn't be winter!

    1. LOL, Roxanne...if it's just going to be below zero and grey, yeah. Bleh! But the snow is great.

  10. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I love winter! My favorite is the snow on the trees-so beautiful! Especially on Christmas morning!

    1. We had a white Christmas a couple years ago, Jennifer, and I loved it. Christmas is completely different with snow covering the world!

  11. We don't get bad winters here in Atlanta. Today it's 67 degrees outside. But when it snows, the whole city shuts down. Last year I got a whole week off work (with pay) because if snow. That's my favorite part of winter!

    1. That sounds great, Shawn! I know if I lived in a warm climate I'd miss the winter weather...but after 2 months of c-c-c-cold, I'm ready for a change. Whoops! Not supposed to be whiny today!

  12. Storm Q is raging (who started this silliness of naming winter storms?) and it's predicted we will get the ice from it but not the snow. Already the school is warning us not to be surprised if school is canceled. Sigh.

    So right now there is nothing I like about winter (except a fire in the fireplace). Bring on spring!

    1. Snow days! Loved 'em when I was a kid. Now that I'm a work-at-home mom-writer, not so much. And I'm really not whining about that because it does wreck my productivity, but it's also really fun to pull out a couple princess movies, some coloring books and have a bebe-day. :)

  13. bj maxwell1:57 PM

    I love snow and ice when the sun shines. Today, I ventured out to feed the cats on ice encrusted sidewalks covered in snow. Oh, the joy of hearing the crunch under snow.

    I think and worry about people who need to go out in this weather. Brace yourself, spring is about three weeks away.

    1. I can't wait for spring, BJ! And the sound of crunching snow is one of my favorites!

  14. Hi Kristina!

    To a person living in a tropical country, winter and snow sound so tantalising and tempting! I would love to experience it!


    1. Oh, Nas, I do envy your tropical world! And the winter and snow aren't so bad now that I'm a write-at-home-mom...most of the time I don't have to get out in the mess. But, I do miss the warm tropical breezes of our vacation... :)

  15. Kristina I loved your post! I'm like Nas, it never snows where I live now. But I've lived in Scandinavia so I know snow! My favourite thing is how still and quiet everything is after a snowfall. The muffled sound of your footsteps as you walk along, breaking the icy snow-crust with each step. Keep warm there! :-)


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