#BlogHop: Hello, My Name is Kristina, And...

my name is
***We have a winner! Jen Barnard, your name was drawn by the randomizer. Email me (contact form is on my website) and I'll get your prize pack right out to you.***

I'm taking part in the Hello, My Name Is ... bloghop, gang...We’re ringing in the New Year with lots of giveaways! And by sharing some fun and wacky facts about ourselves. There’s a new giveaway at each stop so be sure to visit them all!

My giveaway: I'm giving away an autographed copy of First Love Again + some author swag that I think you'll get a kick out of...So on with the hop!

Thing 1: Something I'm Afraid Of -- I have a real fear of SpiderMan. I don't care how cute they make his characters in the movies, the though of a man who does whatever a spider can is just...wrong on so many levels. Give me Bat Man or Super Man or freaking Grizzly Adams Man, no worries. But a man who can do spidey-stuffs? Just. No.

Thing 2: Something I Do Every Day -- belly laugh. I'm a silly kind of a person, and luckily I have RadioMan and bebe always doing something off the wall. They say laughter is the best medicine, and I totally agree because no matter what is going on - cold/flu, work stress, etc - a good belly laugh can make it all melt away.

Thing 3: Something I'm Addicted To -- Coca-Cola. I'm trying - really, really, really hard - to break the habit. But there is just something about those fizzy little bubbles and that little burn that hits the back of my throat. I just love it.

Thing 4: Something I Snack On -- dark chocolate covered cashews. And almonds. YUM!

Thing 5: Something Someone Googled To Find My Site -- Serial Killer Question! Seriously. It's funny seeing what google searches people use to land on your website...one of the strangest (for me) was a search for How Do You Know Someone Is A Serial Killer - I think it's because of a blog post that I did long long long long ago...but I still get several visits each year because of it. Crazy!

Okay, now for the fun stuffs: You can follow along with the hop here. And don't forget to leave a comment below - tell me something fun about YOU! - to win First Love Again!

Book Blurb: Some loves deserve a second chance… Coming back to Gulliver Island after a ten-year absence to take care of his father should have been simple. Emmett Deal would fix and sell the family home, and return to Cincinnati with his ailing father in tow. Yet something compels him to stay a little longer. The beautiful, bright eyes of Jaime Brown. Ten years ago, traumatic events changed the course of Jaime's life forever, catching her in a small-town life she can't escape. Emmett's return stirs up the memories she wanted to ignore…and dreams she had forgotten. Now she finds herself with a rare opportunity—a second chance. Only this time, it's not just for love…


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